Thursday, February 12, 2009

Why We Do Not Get Sleepy from Sugar

When we are exercising our body is using the sugar in the blood to fuel our muscles.

There must be something in the process that supresses the release of insulin, since we are using the sugar.

If we eat sugar, the insulin is already being supressed, so we do not get a sugar crash.

This leaves the possibility of eating sugar during exercise creating high sugar in the blood, which is bad.

Why We Get Sleepy from Sugar

Am guessing about this entire process.

1. High-glycemic foods immediately turn into sugar in the stomach and get absorded directly into the blood stream without going into the intestines.

2. Sugar you are not using in the blood is bad, as I know from my diabetic ex-girlfriend. Too much sugar in the blood damages the capillaries leading to failure of everything.

3. Since sugar is bad, your body has to protect itself. If it detects a certain quantity of sugar in the blood it releases insulin to rush the sugar out of the blood into fat cells.

4. When you eat, your body releases insulin both for what it detects and for what it anticipates is coming.

5. Your body evolved before there was refined sugar. A small amount of refined sugar looks like a large amount of unrefined sugar. For example, one cookie might look like a lot of grapes. While the cookie releases all its sugar immediately. The grapes release the sugar over time. Your body thinks a lot more sugar is to come. So, it releases much more insulin than is needed for the one cookie.

6. The extra insulin removes all the sugar from your blood. You have a sugar crash and pass out, plus get fat.

Cookies During Dancing

Last night and frequently during dancing, I eat sweets, cookies and cakes.

Never get sleepy.

I guess the body does not react the same way when exercising.

During the day, all I do is sit at my desk, read and type.

Bow Tie Noodles Put Me to Sleep

Had a late lunch yesterday of bow tie noodles, kasha, a little brisket and salad.

About a half hour later I passed out and slept for two hours.

I attribute it to the noodles turning into sugar.

Raisans, Celery, Humus No Problem

Been eating raisans, celery and humus with no loss of energy.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Matzah Made Me Sleepy Again

Had a small piece of matzah, only about a quarter of a piece. Ate it in the late afternoon. Had not eaten much all day. Ate it plain.

Was going to have it with peanut butter and jelly, but wanted to see what would happen. Fifteen minutes later, I was in bed, passed out. Slept for an hour and a half.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Albacore Tuna

Having trouble concentrating.

Had not eaten much. About 3:30 in the afternoon. Ate some albacore tuna. See what happens.


Now 10:30 at night.

The tuna worked. About a half hour later was back to full steam writing software. My mind sharp. Able to work right through to dinner time without trouble.

So, we now know tuna is safe. Does not make me sleepy.

Monday, February 2, 2009

Potatoes Are Bad

Already knew potatoes are high glycemic.

Had a good lunch, salmon, broccoli, vegetables and lots of potatoes. After eating, but still sitting at the table reading, started getting sleepy.

The culprit has to be the potatoes. Happened fast. This happened a couple of days ago too.

The potatoes have about the fastest reaction. Other high glycemic foods can take a half hour to an hour for a sleepy response.